Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

What a great weekend! friend got engaged!  It was a busy...LONG weekend, we had so much fun, but it is so nice to get home!!  Here were a few of our highlights...

Cookout at the Bearden's...
Baked Macaroni and Cheese.  I mean COME ON!

BBQ Pork Ribs with some delicious BBQ Sauce! 

Next was an awesome engagement party for Lauren.  She was so surprised and had the most beautiful ring!

Then on to my parent's house for another awesome cookout! 
 Bacon -Wrapped Burgers...we were not totally sure how these would come out, but they were AWESOME!  We just grilled them like normal on a really hot grill.  Delicious!

Roasted Zucchini and Squash from he Garden...

And Chocolate Chip Pie...

Such a good weekend.  Recipes to come...

1 comment:

  1. where are these recipes???? I want the mac & cheese one AND the chocolate chip pie.
    p.s. this is AIMEE
